Tag Archives: Coding

Anthony Bourdain’s : No Margins! (otherwise known as an easier version of the last project).


So, last week was interesting because it was a lot less frustrating because of the lack of margins! Oh, how I hate margins!  Anyways, after getting started and figuring out where I needed to go and just simply starting to pound  it out, without getting too messy.  Screen Shot 2013-05-28 at 6.20.08 PM

The html definitely is a lot cleaner because of the div’s created to streamline and help the larger media queries. The larger media query CSS is a little much but  as you know the images vary greatly is height and sometimes width.  Screen Shot 2013-05-28 at 6.19.41 PM

It was suggested that we find different images so that it wasn’t a mass of similar images. I think I went a little overboard with my “fan” page.

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