
This quarter has been awesome! Its been difficult at times and certainly frustrating but overall I had a great time in this class.  Certainly my professional site needs work but overall I like where its going .

Final thoughts…..

Well, last night we had our final. Web Design Basics was a eye opening class and I will definitely keep all a lot of what we learned on my brain.  Overall though, it was a great class, there were issues that couldn’t be helped, but I had a great time and hope the next group likes Eric as much as I did.


Final Week!

Man! This quarter has gone by quickly and the next week will go by even quicker, with all of the work that I need to do finish this final project.  Its definitely been interesting. 


All about images…

So, tonight was a review of images and image types for the web. Not crazy in depth but the more you here about it, the more you understand how images work in web sites and web design.

Anthony Bourdain’s : No Margins! (otherwise known as an easier version of the last project).

So, last week was interesting because it was a lot less frustrating because of the lack of margins! Oh, how I hate margins!  Anyways, after getting started and figuring out where I needed to go and just simply starting to pound  it out, without getting too messy.  Screen Shot 2013-05-28 at 6.20.08 PM

The html definitely is a lot cleaner because of the div’s created to streamline and help the larger media queries. The larger media query CSS is a little much but  as you know the images vary greatly is height and sometimes width.  Screen Shot 2013-05-28 at 6.19.41 PM

It was suggested that we find different images so that it wasn’t a mass of similar images. I think I went a little overboard with my “fan” page.

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Basic Web Design + Typography = Real Savvy design

This weeks project shouldn’t be too difficult. I’ve already got some idea’s bubbling on the top, just hoping that I’m not rushing at the end to finish things like this last project. The quiz was a killer, enough said.


Responsive design + differently sized images = Frustratingly hard to figure out

By the title of this post you should gather that this assignment was difficult, very very very difficult. Not sure why but it was. It still makes me sweat when I think about it.

Screen Shot 2013-05-20 at 6.31.54 PM

<div class=”col-3″>

<div class=”col-1″>

<a class=”project shilling” href=”#”>
<h2>The Shilling Group</h2>
<a class=”project look” href=”#”>
<h2>Project LookLook</h2>

<a class=”project edinburgh” href=”#”>
<h2>Project Edinburgh</h2>
<a class=”project blythswood” href=”#”>
<h2>Project Blythswood Square</h2>
<a class=”project baillie” href=”#”>
<h2>Baillie Gifford</h2>

This is the first time I’ve really worked on my own with the <figure> tag. Not really difficult to work with but hard to maneuver using the floats and making sure, especially with the format, that the “Touch Agency” was happy with the layout that they originally asked for.  Floating images inside columns within columns also very difficult.

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Week 6 – Mobile Design = User Persona’s + User Experience + Usability

Ready set go! Here we go starting to design for Mobile. Its going to be crazy, but I’m liking it more and more.


This week was crazy two midterms! Anyways, this midterm was not as difficult as I thought it would be. The practical took a little longer than I thought it would, but I just didn’t want it to look like garbage. Anyways, the next homework assignment looks daunting just have to dig into the hand out the teacher posted to see what all needs to be there.

Fluid Images

Just wrapping my head around todays and next weeks lab. I think next week is going to be tough, having to figure out how to use CSS to crop images and then fluidly move to fit the different devices people use shouldn’t be difficult, but…

Below is a snippet of code (mostly the footer icons in the html) that was troubling me today because of the copy and paste function. Just have to pay more attention to syntax and the small things that could ruin my code. The CSS wasn’t difficult, I just need to be able to keep up in typing everything up correctly.

Screen Shot 2013-05-08 at 11.28.33 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                       Screen shot of responsive imagesScreen Shot 2013-05-08 at 11.59.04 AM

Screen shot of responsive images